10 Traits of the Highly-Effective Job-Seeker for New Grads & Millennials
March 17, 2014 Leave a comment
Highly effective job seekers have a ‘system’ that helps them move ahead in their quest in getting hired. Whether organic and unbeknownst to them or with a focused intent, the common traits are evident and telling. If you are wondering just how these people continue to be so effective, check out the tips below (in no particular order) on the habits of highly effective job seekers!
1) Staying future focused and taking stock – Keeping an eye on the future and focusing on small daily goals is a way to keep motivation high and in measurable steps. Highly effective job seekers have job search strategies that keep themselves focused and working small achievable steps. Also, before launching your personal PR and marketing campaign, think through what you’re selling and the audience to whom you’re selling; Do you know what you’re looking for and why? Can you list your main skills? Do you have evidence of achievements? Which employers appeal to you and why?
2) Stay on top of news and current events – Be aware of the latest headlines and business news in your community or the city/region where you want to work. Read local news and business journals to find out who’s on top in your industry. These resources will give you a sense of what’s going on in the area of interest and allow you to better engage in conversation with prospective employers.
3) Not letting job status, or the lack thereof, define you – Just because you are unemployed in the moment, doesn’t mean you are anything less. Effective job seekers do not let their unemployment define them; they let it fuel their drive in their quest for that new role. Sounds trivial, but a positive attitude can really be a make-or-break part of your job search.
4) Prioritizing self-care – Job hunting is time-consuming and can be quite stressful. Active body, healthy mind as they say. Making time for self-care supports physical well-being, gets the Endorphin’s running and can really be the difference in your attitude and confidence. Keep hitting the gym, the bike and/or what other activities that keep you moving for your physical health.
5) Having Positive Influences – Momentum is key and energy is contagious. Being an effective job seeker includes having people that are positive influences in your life. Shift away from people whose energy is draining or negative and increase time with people who support you and this will, as a by-product, support your job search.
6) Networking – To be an effective job seeker, an established and growing network is becoming more and more important. Continue making connections to get your name out there with people and organizations you are truly interested in. Use a multi-channel approach as it is key to the job market today. Don’t assume that spending all day in front of a computer screen is the best use of your time; get out and in front of people! It maintains your confidence levels and ensures you’re to be remembered. Make direct approaches to organisations, build relationships and talk to people in interesting roles and sectors, and research! Then research some more!
7) Realize that finding a Job IS a full-time Job – Job seekers who are highly effective spend their time networking, updating documents, filling out applications, and handing out resumes at all moments of the day, all the while researching is filling their ‘spare’ time. It’s of no use trying to impress employers if you have very little sense of what will press their buttons or engage them in the moment. Do your homework thoroughly before making any kind of approach – try to speak to people who know what the organisation you’re interested in. Current employees, past employees, competitors even! Get some inside information.
8) Saying “thank you” and following up – With anyone you’ve met, talked with, perhaps had an informational or ‘real’ interview, thank them immediately. Email, phone call, text, sky writing if you need to, but something that acknowledges that their time was of value to you. Don’t ever be negligent to do so and then do not be afraid to follow-up later. It confirms your interest and, again, that the time was of value. This is networking 101; keeping people in your loop and in contact while showing professional courtesy along the way.
9) Being Kind – So simple, so easy to do and so often overlooked. Each and every person you interact with could potentially be a connection. Being kind, patient, persistent, and flexible – The job search is all about presenting in your best light, being patient for the right opportunity and persistent in the job search, all while being flexible and productive with your time.
10) Keeping track of all your movements, interactions and documents – Effective job seekers keep track of whom they’ve spoken with, meetings planned, research done and needing to do. Also, their documents are organized, updated, and personalized through the job hunting process. Keep Track of each step can be useful and sometimes as easy as a simple spreadsheet, like Excel. This will allow you to have a record of all contacts, communiques and be able to see your actions and progress. Might also be a good way to keep track of all passwords, etc, for job sites, listings and anything done on-line in your process.
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